Finding the Right PT Specialist

Pelvic floor dysfunction affects many women who will see multiple providers before they are diagnosed. Often, women are left to feel that the problems they are experiencing are normal and should just be endured. The simple truth is that pain is not normal. Women dealing with symptoms that can include urinary incontinence, constipation, pelvic or low back pain, discomfort during sexual intercourse, muscle spasms or pressure in the pelvic region can look to physical therapy to find relief. And in finding the right physical therapist to meet your needs, you might see certifications listed to which you might give a cursory glance, but these often missed abbreviations are very meaningful to your search. Physical therapists that specialize in pelvic pain have one or both of the following: Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Pain (CAPP) Biofeedback Certification Institute of America – Pelvic Muscle Dysfunction Biofeedback (BCB-PMD) The Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Health Physical The...