
Showing posts from January, 2023

Obesity: A Concern for Fertility & Pregnancy

More than a cosmetic concern, obesity is a medical issue that raises the risk for heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the U.S.   The statistics on rising obesity rates are staggering.  Various health conditions arise directly as a result of obesity, namely: Type II diabetes Cardiovascular disease Osteoarthritis Many forms of cancer The list goes on and on . . . Why does this matter to us at Women’s Care of Wisconsin/PT Center for Women? Two critical reasons: infertility rates rise with obesity pregnancy is generally riskier in the overweight population An important study found a missing link from obesity to infertility, clarifying the relationship between being overweight and the inability to conceive. A second study looked at the relationship between exercise both before and during pregnancy, and the onset of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. The rationale behind the study was the fact that obesity and inactivity are related, and that obesity...

Creating Harmony Through Balance

Do you remember the words …“Sit up straight … pull your shoulders back … and for crying out loud, DON’T SLOUCH!” Imagine your mother watching you doing any one of the following: Sitting in front of a computer monitor. Snuggling up with a favorite book. Playing video games. Sitting on the floor, in a chair, on bleachers, at church, or in a theatre. Standing in place. Waiting in line. Watching TV. Fishing. Driving a car.  Or…doing anything during your normal day that requires you to be in one place for a period of time. Worse yet, imagine me watching you doing these things! As a physical therapist, I talk about the importance of good posture as a way of maintaining good musculoskeletal health. This blog entry is to educate you on the relationship between good posture and good musculoskeletal health (I didn’t make this up; they are honestly interrelated). Everything in our bodies is connected somehow, and, at least philosophically speaking, one thing can have an effect on ev...