Freedom from Chronic Pain

“Why do I hurt so much?” is a question I hear nearly every day. The answer is chronic pain, which tends to tamper with your quality of life. At the present time, there is no known cure for chronic pain. No test to diagnose it. No pill to cure it. No procedure to fix it. No surgery to remove it. This blog is merely a commentary on chronic pain and for a better understanding of your particular situation; you may need to have several conversations with several healthcare providers. The negative consequences of chronic pain are certainly astounding, to say the least. However, patient advocacy groups and patients themselves have demanded better care. Better care starts with a better understanding of the problem. And a better understanding begins with research. Chronic pain often co-exists with other conditions: fibromyalgia, painful bladder syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pelvic pain, TMJ pain, irritable bowel syndrome, dysautonomia, depression and anxiety often times go tog...